Borrowing the concept of virtual rasters from GDAL, the VPC file format references other point cloud files in virtual point cloud (VPC)
- ofile
character. The file path with extension .vpc where to write the virtual point cloud file
- absolute_path
boolean. The absolute path to the files is stored in the tile index file.
- use_gpstime
logical. To fill the datetime attribute in the VPC file, it uses the year and day of year recorded in the header. These attributes are usually NOT relevant. They are often zeroed and the official signification of these attributes corresponds to the creation of the LAS file. There is no guarantee that this date corresponds to the acquisition date. If
use_gpstime = TRUE
, it will use the gpstime of the first point recorded in each file to compute the day and year of acquisition. This works only if the GPS time is recorded as Adjusted Standard GPS Time and not with GPS Week Time.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
pipeline = write_vpc("folder/dataset.vpc")
exec(pipeline, on = "folder")
} # }