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Process the pipeline. Every other functions of the package do nothing. This function must be called on a pipeline in order to actually process the point-cloud. To process in parallel using multiple cores, refer to the multithreading page.


exec(pipeline, on, with = NULL, ...)



a pipeline. A serie of stages called in order


Can be the paths of the files to use, the path of the folder in which the files are stored, the path to a virtual point cloud file or a data.frame containing the point cloud. It supports also a LAScatalog or a LAS objects from lidR.


list. A list of options to control how the pipeline is executed. This includes options to control parallel processing, progress bar display, tile buffering and so on. See set_exec_options for more details on the available options.


The processing options can be explicitly named and passed outside the with argument. See set_exec_options


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
f <- paste0(system.file(package="lasR"), "/extdata/bcts/")
f <- list.files(f, pattern = "(?i)\\.la(s|z)$", full.names = TRUE)

read <- reader_las()
tri <- triangulate(15)
dtm <- rasterize(5, tri)
lmf <- local_maximum(5)
met <- rasterize(2, "imean")
pipeline <- read + tri + dtm + lmf + met
ans <- exec(pipeline, on = f, with = list(progress = TRUE))
} # }