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Sample the point cloud, keeping one random point per pixel or per voxel. This stage modifies the point cloud in the pipeline but does not produce any output.


sampling_voxel(res = 2, filter = "")

sampling_pixel(res = 2, filter = "")



numeric. voxel resolution


the 'filter' argument allows filtering of the point-cloud to work with points of interest. The available filters are those from LASlib and can be found by running filter_usage. For a given stage when a filter is applied, only the points that meet the criteria are processes. The most common strings are "-keep_first", "-keep_class 2", "drop_z_below 2". For more details see filters.


f <- system.file("extdata", "Topography.las", package="lasR")
read <- reader_las()
vox <- sampling_voxel(5)
write <- write_las()
pipeline <- read + vox + write
exec(pipeline, on = f)
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpI3nt3B/Topography.las"