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Load a raster from a disk file for later use. For example, load a DTM to feed the transform_with stage or load a CHM to feed the pit_fill stage. The raster is never loaded entirely. Internally, only chunks corresponding to the currently processed point cloud are loaded. Be careful: internally, the raster is read as float no matter the original datatype.


load_raster(file, band = 1L)



character. Path to a raster file.


integer. The band to load. It reads and loads only a single band.


r <- system.file("extdata/bcts", "bcts_dsm_5m.tif", package = "lasR")
f <- paste0(system.file(package = "lasR"), "/extdata/bcts/")
f <- list.files(f, pattern = "(?i)\\.la(s|z)$", full.names = TRUE)

# In the following pipeline, neither load_raster nor pit_fill process any points.
# The internal engine is capable of knowing that, and the LAS files won't actually be
# read. Yet the raster r will be processed by chunk following the LAS file pattern.
rr <- load_raster(r)
pipeline <- rr + pit_fill(rr)
ans <- exec(pipeline, on = f, verbose = FALSE)