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This stage uses a Delaunay triangulation and computes its contour. The contour of a strict Delaunay triangulation is the convex hull, but in lasR, the triangulation has a max_edge argument. Thus, the contour might be a convex hull with holes. Used without triangulation it returns the bouding box of the points.


hulls(mesh = NULL, ofile = tempgpkg())



NULL or LASRalgorithm. A triangulate stage. If NULL take the bounding box of the header of each file.


character. Full outputs are always stored on disk. If ofile = "" then the stage will not store the result on disk and will return nothing. It will however hold partial output results temporarily in memory. This is useful for stage that are only intermediate stage.

See also


f <- system.file("extdata", "Topography.las", package = "lasR")
read <- reader_las()
tri <- triangulate(20, filter = keep_ground())
contour <- hulls(tri)
pipeline <- read + tri + contour
ans <- exec(pipeline, on = f)