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Deprecated function replaced by exec and reader_las


processor(pipeline, ncores = half_cores(), progress = FALSE, ...)

reader(x, filter = "", buffer = 0, ...)

reader_coverage(x, filter = "", buffer = 0, ...)

reader_circles(x, xc, yc, r, filter = "", buffer = 0, ...)

reader_rectangles(x, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, filter = "", buffer = 0, ...)



a LASRpipeline. A serie of algorithms called in order


integer. Number of cores to use. Some stages or some steps in some stages are parallelised but overall one file is process at a time.


boolean. Displays a progress bar.


passed to other readers


Can be the paths of the files to use, the path of the folder in which the files are stored, the path to a [virtual point cloud]( file or a `data.frame` containing hte point cloud. It supports also a `LAScatalog` or a `LAS` objects from `lidR`.


the 'filter' argument allows filtering of the point-cloud to work with points of interest. The available filters are those from LASlib and can be found by running filter_usage. For a given stage when a filter is applied, only the points that meet the criteria are processes. The most common strings are "-keep_first", "-keep_class 2", "drop_z_below 2". For more details see filters.


numeric. Each file is read with a buffer. The default is 0, which does not mean that the file won't be buffered. It means that the internal routine knows if a buffer is needed and will pick the greatest value between the internal suggestion and this provided value.

xc, yc, r

numeric. Circle centres and radius or radii.

xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax

numeric. Coordinates of the rectangles